
May 29, 2013

30 Days of Creativity: June 2013

30 days . . . 30 creations . . . and it's starting in just 2 days!

A friend of mine posted about joining 30 Days of Creativity. This is the 4th year it's been around, but I had never heard of it before. I checked out their Tumblr, and it looks like a lot of fun. I'll be tweeting about my creations and will post photos on Instagram.

Anything that gets people creating, sharing, and building community is a great thing. I tweeted my participation pledge earlier today. There's still time for you to join before June gets started.


Here are the details from the 30DOC Tumblr:

30 Days of Creativity is a global social initiative encouraging people to create stuff (anything) every day for 30 days in June. 2013 is our 4th year. We hope to make it a big one.

Your brain is like a muscle. When you exercise it, it gets stronger.

Don’t put it off! Create stuff now! Follow #30DOC on Twitter. Send an @reply to @createstuff to let us know you want to participate. Simply say, "I pledge to create something everyday for 30 days in a row."

What if I don't have a Twitter?
You can still pledge! Share your work with the world via email at

Be sure to use the hashtag #30DoC so we can help share your work with the entire Createstuff community on Pinterest.

They even put together ideas for each of the 30 days in case you're stuck for an idea and need a little inspiration!

Will you join in too?


  1. Oooooh! This looks so awesome! I'd love to participate, thanks so much for posting about it :B Good luck!

    1. I think it'll be a lot of fun, especially when so many other people are doing it at the same time. You should definitely join in!


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