
July 23, 2012

The 101 Most Useful Websites

I happened upon this post, The 101 Most Useful Websites, and I feel like I know nothing about the internet! I went through this list and had only heard of or seen 12 out of the 101 listed. TWELVE! That's a measly 11.8% (yep - I needed to include the .8). That sucks.

After finding this list, I clicked around a bit and found a few sites that will definitely come in handy. Here are some of my new favs:
  1. – record movies of your desktop and send them straight to YouTube
  2. – check your writing for spelling or grammatical errors (everyone should use this!)
  3. – a less confusing view of the world time zones
  4. – helps you get get back to your bookmarked web pages that have been deleted
  5. – research a website from the SEO perspective (can run one free report a week)
** Check out the full list, and let me know if I'm not alone with this 11.8%. Which sites do you think you'll use?


  1. Thanks for sharing the list! I've stashed away so I can check some of them out after work.

    1. The list is long but there are mini-descriptions for each site link, so you can skip the ones you aren't actually interested in to save time. Have fun exploring!


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